Deadlands: Weird West Companion
The Deadlands: the Weird West Companion offers more options for your game of Western horror! Add new Arcane Backgrounds like the heroic Witches, Metal Mages, or Voodooists. Bring famous gunslingers like Wyatt Earp or exciting relics like Wild Bill’s Six-Shooters to the table. For the Marshal there's summaries of the four Servitor Plot Point Campaigns and information on the Hunting Grounds, as well as tips on how to run Deadlands as a Game Master. ending with The Horse Eater Savage Tale!
Sam Albertsen is an award-winning voice over actor living in the suburbs of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Trained by Bruce Kroenenburg with Abacus Entertainment in New York City, Sam spent his formative years as a voiceover artist and actor in New York City and Chicago. Some of Sam's commercial clients include brand names such as Reynolds Wrap, Juicy Fruit, and McDonalds. Sam loves doing character work the most, voicing characters in video games such as Sine Mora and Caliber. Sam has voiced toys in the VTech Switch N' Go Dinos series, and recently entered in the world of Audiobooks voicing the story book for the RPG game "Deadlands: The Weird West" and "Deadlands Companion". Sam is a husband and father to 2 sons and 1 daughter who fuel him everyday to be the best he can possibly be.